To draw a rectangular selection, first select the tool from the toolbar. Then click and
hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to draw the rectangular
selection. To complete the selection, release the mouse. Your selection will be
highlighted with a black and white border of what look like marching ants.
Drawing a rectangular selection
Every selection has six adjustment handles to allow you to resize it for a more precise fit. To proportionally resize the selection, click on any of the four corner handles and, while holding down the left mouse button, move it anywhere on the page. To stretch or shrink the rectangle disproportionately, move the adjustment handle at the center of each line segment. To draw an exact square, simply hold down the Ctrl key while drawing the selection.
Resizing a selection
You can also rotate your selection using the rotation handle located on the right hand side of the shape. Click and hold down the left mouse button on the rotation handle and drag the selection to a desired position.
Rotate a selection
To deselect an area simply click anywhere outside the selection or hit the Escape key on the keyboard.